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日本製 Proudly Made in Japan

Sharpening Seminar at Viceroy Santa Monica

Sharpening Seminar at Viceroy Santa Monica

Yoshihiro Cutlery was honored and privileged to demonstrate Japanese water stone sharpening in the kitchens of Viceroy Santa Monica. The team at Yoshihiro demonstrated different techniques of professional Japanese water stone sharpening along with the history of Japanese knives and proper knife care. In addition, a lively presentation on the history and craftsmanship of Japanese knives, along with an instructional presentation on knife care have been held.

We had a great experience offering an up-close and detailed seminar on the proper technique of sharpening a Japanese blade. Viceroy Santa Monica was a great host and we were honored to help their friendly and talented chefs.

For more information
Executive Chef of Viceroy Santa Monica, Larry Monaco

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