High Carbon Steel Explained: White Steel, Blue Steel, and Super Blue
high carbon steel
high carbon steel
Steel is a compound of iron and carbon. To be classified as high-carbon steel, it needs to have anywhere from 0.6% to 1.7% carbon by weight. For premium cutlery and knives, the higher carbon content is typically better. For one, higher carbon allows for a sharper cutting edge. To be considered stainless steel, the steel must have a chromium content of more than 12%. While all steel contains carbon, typically steels that do not contain chromium are referred to as carbon steels. high carbon steel The differences between high carbon steel can be subtle, but they all work to create a specific knife experience. Below we explain the differences between white steel, blue steel, as well as the different types of each.
high carbon steel
White High-Carbon Steel #1 & #2
White steel is made from finely grained carbon steel that lacks a lot of contaminates within the iron, meaning that knives made from white, high-carbon steel are able to sharpen into a razor-like edge. Many sashimi chefs love white steel knives because they can create very fine, exact cuts of fish, vegetables, and garnish. Very volatile and difficult to forge, white steel varies in its level on carbon content. #1 has the highest and will, therefore, hold its cutting edge the best. However, it’s also the most brittle, which is typically why #2 is the most commonly used by chefs.
high carbon steel